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8 x 10 inch inkjet print on rice paper

Edition of 3, all available

$600 framed, $300 unframed


Artist Statement:


"Throughout the circumnutation process, the bean plant writes circular gestures in the air. Give the tip of the plant ink and watch it draw a telephone cord. Or give it a needle and watch it sew itself into a seam."


These words and this image are fragments of a book by the artist, which was self-published in 2021. The publication is a field guide, an unravelling of daughterhood, and the grip of a pen. Otherwise, it's a tendril, a skein, a word.




Ailene deVries (she/they) is an artist working with words, plants, and fibers. They hold a BFA from the Toronto Metropolitan University and an MA from the Art Institute of Chicago.


Ailene deVries, Mom & I by the Flower Garden, 2021

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